Zerto is an industry leader in disaster protection and disaster recovery for virtual computing environments. With the recent version of Zerto 5.0 released, businesses can take advantage of advanced disaster recovery technology while also introducing simplicity and confidence in their ability to completely avoid or recover from disasters. Here are a couple examples of how recent eGroup customers have utilized Zerto to achieve their goals.

With the introduction of Zerto 5.0, additional features have been implemented that can help your business further protect your critical assets and lower the capital and operational costs of maintaining a Disaster Recovery site/solution. Some of those capabilities are:

How do I get started with Zerto?

  1. Contact eGroup today for a FREE consultation session. Our team will work to understand what your business needs out of a Disaster Recovery Solution and help guide you to the right answer
  2. Conduct a Proof of Concept. Our team can help you implement Zerto 5.0 and the supporting technologies in a try before you buy manner so you can see how Zerto simplifies your DR implementation
  3. Scale to Production. Scale the POC environment to a full production implementation by adding licensing, protected assets and additional runbook automation.

That’s it! You can now centrally manage, test and monitor your Disaster Recovery plans all in one intuitive interface with the Zerto Web Console or Mobile App.