Getting Started with Azure Storage

Getting Started with Azure Storage Microsoft Azure Storage is a cloud-based storage solution that provides easy access and secure, high availability for all storage needs.  Azure Storage has many different options to configure based on the type of storage that is required.  This can provide a great alternative for tasks like backups or file shares and may even be able to […]

Azure Pricing

Azure Pricing In our last article we discussed the four (4) different ways to use Microsoft’s Azure Backup services. With Azure Backup, regardless of the way you deploy, the cost of Azure Backup is the same. You pay per protected instance and storage consumption. For storage, Azure Backup uses Block Blob storage and you can choose […]

Four Primary Ways to Use Azure Backup

Four Primary Ways to Use Azure Backup Azure Backup is the Microsoft’s cloud-based service you can use to back up and restore your data in Microsoft Azure. Azure Backup can replace your existing backup solution with a pure cloud-based solution that is reliable, secure, and competitive in cost and functionality to all major enterprise backup solutions.  Azure Backup […]

How to Create Data Loss Prevention Custom SITs

How to Create Data Loss Prevention Custom SITs Data loss prevention (DLP) is a strategy for making sure that end users do not send sensitive or critical information outside the corporate network, accidentally or intentionally.  Adoption of DLP is being driven by insider threats and by more rigorous state privacy laws, many of which have […]

eGroup Achieves Cisco Advanced Data Center Architecture Specialization – 7 Years Running

Official Press Release Mt. Pleasant, SC, September 8, 2017 – eGroup, the Southeast’s leading provider of data center architecture, cloud and managed services, announced today that it has achieved the Advanced Data Center Architecture Specialization from Cisco for the seventh year in a row. To fulfill the specialization, eGroup has met the program prerequisites and […]

eGroup + Zerto + Azure = IT Resilience

In last Friday’s post, I discussed the concept that “Things that have never happened before, happen every day” and the need for a posture of resilience to remain operationally ready for anything. Storage industry veteran Paul Zeiter, currently president at Zerto, said recently that “One of the big challenges facing companies today is the need to […]

Availability = Survival

As IT veterans, I’m certain we all have stories like the one I shared previously – many of those without the happy ending. It reminds me of the prime concepts of a (fascinating) survival book I read several years ago by Laurence Gonzales called “Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why,” where the key themes of […]

eGroup Named a Fastest Growing Company in SC

eGroup has been named one of the 40 fastest-growing companies in South Carolina for 2017 by SC Biz News. Twenty large companies and 20 small companies have been named to the statewide Roaring Twenties list presented annually by SC Biz News. This honor recognizes the state’s best-performing companies based on both dollar and percentage increases […]

The Case for Preparedness

Are you prepared? Are you sure? In the early minutes of Saturday morning, April 2011, a water main broke underneath the street in Columbia, SC. A $30B lending provider, located just feet away from the break, with over 1,200 servers (95% of them virtualized) located in their basement Data Center, experienced a massive subterranean flood […]

How Secure is Your Environment?

Most companies today understand the very real need to protect their data. Most invest significant funds to mitigate or prevent the threats that aim to compromise their data. Typically, the go to investment is a firewall on the edge of the network to protect against outside attacks. And that is a great start. But that […]